Sunday, 11 January 2015

The Claremont Serial Killer (2)

Fact: Most serial killers will keep killing until they are caught.

So why have we not had a string of murders since 1997? Well, there is the obvious -death, jail, moved across the country, killed on vacation, has been busy with family (BTK) - he could even be physically incapable of causing that degree of harm anymore?

WHO KNOWS! Although I have been looking into the idea that maybe he killed on vacation. These girls have similarities (age, hair colour, location), and the police can't possibly DNA test every serial killer on the planet!

Here is an article written in 2006 regarding a particular killer in the UK. Forget the the comments! These guys later wrote a piece regarding 'Dr.Phibes' because he knew a little too much...

Dr Phibes could just be making things up, I preferred to focus my attention to 'phantom62' instead. TOO.MUCH.INFO.

Obsessive? Maybe.

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