So first off let me tell you a few things about myself that may be of interest to you. I am female (you may have guessed?!), I am 26 years old and unlike most people my age - most of my interests are things I fear. For example, crocodiles, sharks and most of all crime (mainly murder).
ANYWAY, I have been thinking lately that I am constantly re-watching the same documentaries because I forget the facts of the case. I figured I should probably blog this stuff because that way people with the same interests can connect and may bring relevant facts to the table that I have missed.
Let's begin with a case from my own hometown - The Claremont Serial Killer.
I have included this map because it is actually frustrating trying to find the information on where the bodies have been found. Sarah Spiers (18), the first victim who vanished Australia day 1996 (coming up to 19 years now!) has never been found. Looking at the map it makes you wonder if she is somewhere East? It is an idea, probably a good one considering he has spread out the second victim Jane Rimmer, 23 and the third victim Ciara Glennon, 27 out.
A bunch of us discuss this case over at web sleuths, feel free to pop on over.